Easy Valet

Easy Valet


  • Receive Cars
  • Call Cars
  • Deliver Cars
  • Reclaim For Accident

Key Rack/ Key Holder

  • Manage All Car Information:
    Car color
  • Car Make
  • Car Model
  • Key Location
  • And Much More


  • Communicate with client
  • Communicate with all employee
  • Accept Payment
  • Recall Car


When ever it is needed to show Client about their car status

Online Dashboard

A powerful online tool that give our clients the ability to manage their revenue, employee, sites, etc.. with a very strong reporting and analytical tools.

Client Application

A friendly application for visitors that gives them a lot of feature 


ISO Ticket

Mobile Payment

Online Reporting

Third Party Access control

Visitor Management

Roll Paper

Cloud management

System monitoring

Pay at Home

Multi-site management


Online Dashboard

Member management

Free Flow

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